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how thankfulness changes our hearts (p.1)

For those of us in America, this is the week where we will devour massive amounts of food in the name of thankfulness. It’s easy to get caught up and distracted by planning, house cleaning, stressful travel, football games, overeating, avoiding certain family members, and shopping–all while pretending to enjoy Aunt Gurdy’s plumb-custard-quiche-ala-nasty.…

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lead better discussions (part 3)

Today, we are wrapping up our ideas for leading better discussion. DONT ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS….too quickly Silence is uncomfortable for most people and most youth workers seem to want to quickly fill the void. Set the tone for your teenagers by letting them know that there will be times when silence appears and it’s within the silence that everyone has a chance to think without listening to others.…

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lead better discussions (part 2)

Conversations can be the “meat and potatoes” of discipleship since they build community and develop spiritual understanding. We’re picking up where we left off yesterday and exploring a few ideas for leading better discussions: ASK GREAT QUESTIONS Asking good questions is a science and an art.…

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lead better discussions (part 1)

Discipling teenagers is a critical element of a healthy youth ministry. Part of dis-cipleship is helping teenagers learn to make decisions that will impact their lives for decades. It’s our experience that good discipleship happens best within the context of a caring and accepting relationship.…

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Finishing Last

During my younger days, when I was fit and a little bit crazy, I used to mountain bike, and I don’t mean just on nice little rails to trails, I am talking serious, through the woods, over trees, covered with mud type of serious.…

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