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build a strong youth ministry team (part 1)

Most people would prefer to play a role on a solid, fun, relational team than be on a dysfunctional, conflict-filled, self-absorbed team. That’s a no-brainer! But, great teams are difficult to build. Healthy youth ministry teams are not only effective at reaching and discipling students, but they also have a strong sense of community among the leaders.…

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2 mins

the connection between better leadership and expectations (part3)

Today, we are finishing up our conversation about leadership and communicating expectations. There was one more benefit of clear expectations that we weren’t able to fit in yesterday.   EXPECTATIONS SET UP DIFFICULT CONVERSATIONS WITH LEADERS When you need to correct a leader (notice we didn’t write “if”), your expectations will serve as an excellent starting point.…

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2 mins

Skins [Review]

You’ve no doubt heard about MTV’s new show Skins, based on a popular show from across the pond. Well I’ve watched an episode, and it’s everything you’ve heard—and more. This third episode is named “Chris,” after one of the teenagers the show centers around.…

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3 mins

Building Richer Relationships

From swapping gummy-bears at lunch to swapping gossip. From boy cooties to boy cuties. From Disney Channel to MTV. Elementary to Middle School. One of the most dramatic transitions in a girl’s life. And youth ministers have a beautiful privilege, yet terrifying responsibility to work with this scary specimen.…

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10 mins

Ministry BY Teenagers

ARE WE REALLY MAKING DISCIPLES…OR ARE WE JUST MAKING A LOT OF ROOT BEER FLOATS? An article from Jonathan McKee at   The following article is an excerpt from Jonathan’s brand new book, Ministry by Teenagers: Developing Leaders from Within.…

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