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The Games We Play

My friend Chris at tells me that “Games” is the most popular search word used by youth workers. That makes sense, since I’m always looking for more ways to have fun and create healthy interactions with our teenagers. So in that spirit, here’s my top-five list of both paid-for and free tech-games.…

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6 mins

#1 Criterion for a Successful Youth Ministry

Youth ministry doesn’t just happen. Love of teens, creativity, versatility, and an abundance of energy are all required elements, but one criterion is essential early when beginning a youth ministry—namely, developing relationships quickly. Developing relationships early happens when youth ministers: Set Aside the First Six Months to Visit Youth Homes—Explain to your youth and church leaders that it is of upmost importance that getting to know your teens happen soon in your ministry.…

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4 mins

Tips on Evaluating a Ministry

Recently, while I was talking with a new youth worker, he asked me what advice I had on how to evaluate a ministry. Beyond being thankful that this youth worker, in his first year of full-time ministry, saw the importance of evaluation, this question forced me to think through what I believe are some essentials to effective ministry evaluation.…

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