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13 mins

Ministry to Gay & Lesbian Teenagers

By Jeffrey Wallace In early March I had one of the most intense ministry experiences of my life. The leaders of the Simply Youth Ministry Conference (SYMC), the same people who put this magazine together, asked me to help mediate a panel discussion at the conference, called “Ministering to Homosexual and ‘Bi-Curious’ Teenagers.”…

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2 mins

Brink [Review]

It’s rare for a first-person shooter to be rated T for Teen. So Brink burst onto the scene with some big anticipation. But it wasn’t just the rating. Brink uses a technology called Smooth Movement Across Random Terrain (SMART), that allows characters to leap up and over obstacles.…

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2 mins

Thor [Review]

Thor (PG-13) Thor is an interesting choice for Marvel to lead off their summer blockbuster season. In the next few months we’ll also see films about the Green Lantern and Captain America, but the comic book Thor isn’t that well known outside of the geek crowd.…

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