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are church politics for real?

You don’t have to be in youth ministry very long before you realize that the church isn’t immune from painful political maneuvering.

As much as we’d love to do ministry in an environment where church politics are non existent, as long as people are involved, some form of politics will appear. People are broken. The church is people. So within the church will be posturing, passive-aggressive behavior, the promoting of personal agendas, etc. We won’t escape these displays of selfishness until Jesus returns.

We’ve learned a lot over the years while working in the church. Here are a few tips to consider:


Denial won’t help the situation! If you don’t face the reality of politics in your church, the resentment will slowly build like algae in a neglected pool. You can’t do effective ministry when you’re filled with resentment.

Fall in love with youth ministry…AGAIN. Join Doug, Louie Giglio, the Skit Guys,
and tons of other great folks in March for the Simply Youth Ministry Conference.


Church stuff can be a total drag! We could retell a hundred horror stories that we’ve either experienced or heard, and it’s tempting to rant about the damage. It’s also tempting to get angry and stay angry. But, when we “live” with emotional tension, we construct a pedestal and begin to believe we’re above it all, better than everyone else. The worst of church politics comes from personal sin and brokenness. Following Christ’s example, the pursuit of both compassion and forgiveness is wise (as well as shrewd).


Politics can be redefined as “one’s ability to gain support.” When you redefine politics in a positive light, it can become something that builds up the body rather than breaking it apart. The Church is a body, and each part needs one another. Work to gain the support of other people in your church for the ministry where God has called you.

Let people know what’s going on in your ministry. Communicate vision, events, and milestones worthy of notice and celebration. You don’t need to hire a public relations firm and blitzkrieg your church with all that’s happening within your youth ministry. But, you can work to keep your ministry in the minds (and hearts) of your church without overwhelming them. You can’t gain the support from people if they’re in the dark about the happenings of your ministry.

A wise leader knows how to pick his/her battles. If you’re always fighting, your ability to gather support will diminish. You can’t win every battle. If you think you can, you act like a bull in a china shop, instead of a human in a china shop (where there’s a lot less breakage).

Fall in love with youth ministry…AGAIN. Join Doug, Louie Giglio, the Skit Guys,
and tons of other great folks in March for the Simply Youth Ministry Conference.


Usually the cost comes in the form of your credibility. Make sure you have enough relational equity/credibility “in the church bank” before you write a a “change check” that you can’t cash. If that check bounces, it will bounce into conflict.

When presented with convenient opportunities for more (resources, authority, etc.), we encourage you to carefully consider it before grabbing. We’re not suggesting you should allow great opportunities to slip by! Instead, act from conviction that you’re doing the right thing–instead of just the easy thing.

are church politics for real?

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