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10 Cool and Useful Sites

IMG_1025In no special order for no special reason…just a few sites I hit throughout the week.

  • Factsie: Great place to get random trivia questions (Good for DIY PowerPoint trivia games).
  • Woot: Deal a day with many sister sites.
  • Archie McPhee: Awesome junk!
  • Think Geek: Awesome geek junk.
  • AppShopper:  Best (my opinion) app listing and tracking site (the sort feature makes it great).
  • Justin Guitar: 800+ Guitar lessons…FREE.
  • HSX: Wasting time playing a fake stock market.
  • Mint: Fantastic FREE budgeting software/app/website.
  • Midomi: Sing or hum a song into your computer, it tells you what song you are thinking about.
  • Privnote: Write a note, get a link, send the link, once it is read it is destroyed (snapchat for text?).

What cool sites do you visit on a regular basis?

– Brandon / @iamBRANDONEARLY

4 thoughts on “10 Cool and Useful Sites

  1. Awesome choices! I buy stuff off of Woot all the time. These are very hip sites, I bet you’re a great youth minister 🙂

  2. Awesome choices! I buy stuff off of Woot all the time. These are very hip sites, I bet you’re a great youth minister 🙂

  3. Joey Harris

    dailysteals is like Woot but with more options. Sometimes it’s fair priced junk, and sometimes it’s awesome deals. Free shipping doesn’t hurt either. Decent deals on lots of refurb Macs and Apple Devices too.

  4. Joey Harris

    dailysteals is like Woot but with more options. Sometimes it’s fair priced junk, and sometimes it’s awesome deals. Free shipping doesn’t hurt either. Decent deals on lots of refurb Macs and Apple Devices too.

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10 Cool and Useful Sites

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