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things parents don't need
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2 mins

10 Things Parents Don’t Need From You

It’s often helpful to think about youth ministry in three parts: teenagers, volunteers, and parents. For most youth leaders, ministering to parents is the most difficult of the three. As the two of us have grown older, we’ve learned (sometimes the hard way) that parents don’t need certain things from us.…

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3 mins

4 Ways to Take Time Off: Do You Need a Break?

I’m taking a week off from youth ministry. It’s not because I’m going on vacation. It’s not because I have too many things in my schedule. It’s not because I no longer love students. I’m just about ready to rip some of their heads off… that’s all.…

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5 mins

The Fortnite Frenzy

The online adventure game Fortnite is exploding in popularity among adolescents—no surprise there. But its popularity is even more stunning with adults—it’s the favorite addiction of celebrities, professional athletes, and cultural influencers of all stripes. Ninja, a famous Fortnite player and Twitch gamer (Twitch is a website dedicated to all things gaming, a YouTube-like service for streaming and viewing video games), reportedly makes $500,000 a month playing Fortnite.…

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2 mins

To the Class of 2020…

Like many of you, we’ve been walking with this year’s senior class through the heartbreaking loss of their final high school semester. The conversations are raw, varied, and emotional. These teenagers are grieving, and their struggle is similar to those who are grieving the loss of a loved one.…

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3 mins

“Help Me!” and Other Thoughts for Support Systems

This has been an unusually busy season for my family. We all have them, there are those times when we feel the full weight of 24 hours in a day, five to eight of which are wasted in sleeping. If I could just harness the ability to never sleep, then I might get everything done.…

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3 mins

7 Implied Expectations Between Parents And Small Group Leaders

Expectations are super important between parents and small group leaders. A lot of the issues I’ve run into between parents and small group leaders has been about expectations not being met or unrealistic expectations being casted. In this post I’ve listed a few expectations parents should have of leaders and leaders should have of parents.…

Parents Back to School
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4 mins

How to Support Parents Back to School

Recently I read a hysterical article comparing back-to-school from the 80’s to back-to-school circa 2016. It joked about the simplicity of an era that involved lunches with processed bologna, metal lunch boxes, and the need to only supply a pencil and pen for the first day of school.…

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4 mins

Commit to These 7 Staples in Your Ministry Lessons

To truly make the most of your lesson time in youth ministry, we suggest you develop some “staples” that you lean into as you prepare each week. The Staple of Truth. God’s word is chock-full of life-changing truth! It’s sharper than any two-edged sword!…

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3 mins

Why You Need to Embrace Your Leadership Personality

Imagine your ministry isn’t going very well. (For some of you, this may not take much effort.) Maybe students are abandoning ship, heading to a flashier program down the street. Maybe youth night has been a train-wreck lately. Maybe kids aren’t inviting friends, no matter what you try.…

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3 mins

Three Mistakes Youth Workers Need To Make

Most people, and understandably so, spend a good portion of their time trying to avoid making mistakes. A mistake on the playing field might cost you the game. A mistake with your bank account can cost you some points on your credit score.…

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